Buyers FAQs

Buyers Faqs

How often do you need to do maintenance ?

This is dependent on the water source and your usage .Changes in the water source might disrupt your maintenance schedule .Hydra offers free first year maintenance service every 3 months so as to gauge the working of the systems in your space and advise on the best maintenance schedule that will give you optimum functioning of the system .The schedules may range from every 5 months to every 3 years.

How often do you need to do maintenance ?

This is dependent on the water source and your usage .Changes in the water source might disrupt your maintenance schedule .Hydra offers free first year maintenance service every 3 months so as to gauge the working of the systems in your space and advise on the best maintenance schedule that will give you optimum functioning of the system .The schedules may range from every 5 months to every 3 years.

How often do you need to do maintenance ?

This is dependent on the water source and your usage .Changes in the water source might disrupt your maintenance schedule .Hydra offers free first year maintenance service every 3 months so as to gauge the working of the systems in your space and advise on the best maintenance schedule that will give you optimum functioning of the system .The schedules may range from every 5 months to every 3 years.

How often do you need to do maintenance ?

This is dependent on the water source and your usage .Changes in the water source might disrupt your maintenance schedule .Hydra offers free first year maintenance service every 3 months so as to gauge the working of the systems in your space and advise on the best maintenance schedule that will give you optimum functioning of the system .The schedules may range from every 5 months to every 3 years.

How often do you need to do maintenance ?

This is dependent on the water source and your usage .Changes in the water source might disrupt your maintenance schedule .Hydra offers free first year maintenance service every 3 months so as to gauge the working of the systems in your space and advise on the best maintenance schedule that will give you optimum functioning of the system .The schedules may range from every 5 months to every 3 years.

How often do you need to do maintenance ?

This is dependent on the water source and your usage .Changes in the water source might disrupt your maintenance schedule .Hydra offers free first year maintenance service every 3 months so as to gauge the working of the systems in your space and advise on the best maintenance schedule that will give you optimum functioning of the system .The schedules may range from every 5 months to every 3 years.